The Head of BPS of Metro City Accompanied The 2024 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) Team - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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The Head of BPS of Metro City Accompanied The 2024 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) Team

The Head of BPS of Metro City Accompanied The 2024 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) Team

September 30, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Metro City, Mrs. Arum Purbowati, actively participated in the 2024 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), personally accompanying her team during the data collection process. Her involvement was not only to ensure smooth data collection but also to provide full support to the field officers.

Mrs. Arum emphasized the importance of Susenas in providing an accurate picture of the socio-economic conditions of the community. The data collected will serve as a basis for more targeted development policies. "This data is crucial to ensure that government development policies align with the community's needs. Therefore, the participation of all citizens is greatly needed," she said.

One of the biggest challenges faced by field officers was dealing with respondents who were reluctant to provide data. Mrs. Arum took a hands-on approach, engaging with the community and persuading them to participate. She explained how important data is for policies that serve the public interest, and how the active participation of citizens can contribute to improving future development policies.

"By providing accurate data, citizens are directly contributing to both local and national development," she added. Mrs. Arum's approach received a positive response from the community, leading to an increase in the number of respondents willing to participate in the survey.

With the dedication of the BPS Metro City team and the full support of its Head, the 2024 Susenas data collection is expected to run smoothly and produce high-quality data. BPS Metro City remains committed to working hard to realize data-driven development for the progress of the nation.

Thank you for the outstanding dedication and effort from all parties involved in this data collection. Together, we will achieve accurate data for the betterment of Indonesia's development.

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